Carey-Lohrenz-F-14-Tomcat-keynote-speaker-inspirational - female fighter pilot

Unlocking Excellence: The Power of Accountability for Leaders, Entrepreneurs, and Business Owners

As leaders, entrepreneurs, and business owners, the journey to success begins with a crucial realization: we are our own limitations. It’s not external factors like the economy, government, bosses, colleagues, or family that hold us back; it’s ourselves. The key to achieving extraordinary results lies in accountability —the unwavering commitment to take responsibility, drive results,…

Accelerate Execution Through Debriefing

By Carey Lohrenz To Accelerate Execution and obtain peak performance, High Performing Organizations are always Debriefing. Harvard Business Review states that companies typically realize only about 60% of their strategies potential value because of defects and breakdowns in planning and execution. Debriefing allows you to: Identify execution shortfalls sooner New opportunities faster Adapt successfully to changing…